Welcome to our Objects of Interest Painting Course
Unusual objects make excellent painting subjects, in this course we will be using a variety of interesting things with different textures, shapes and materials, including ceramic, glass, wood ,fabric, spheres, cylinders and more! Acrylic paint is heavy bodied, water based and extremely versatile. This course aims to cover all main aspects of painting a still life, giving the confidence and skills to complete your own compositions.
In addition you have access to our Acrylics reference videos, with lots of useful advice and info on materials and technique demos, and also high quality reference photos to work from. So whether you’re a beginner or more experienced, this complete course has everything you need to create beautiful botanicals in acrylic.
Please use the following passwords to access your video content, please note they are case sensitive:
Project 1 Vintage Jug: Ceramic (Video length:140 mins)
Project 2 Fishing Floats of Japan : Fishing (Video length:95 mins)
Project 3 Kathputli Puppets: Theatre (Video length:150 mins)
Project 4 Artist’s Studio: Paintpot (Video length:140 mins)
Basics of Acrylic: Apainting (Video length:52 mins)
Acrylic Colour Mixing: Create (Video length:45 mins)
Don’t forget to watch the video on full screen! Enter your password then click on the square icon(bottom right) to enter and exit full screen mode. You may need to turn the sound on – roll over the top right of the screen and the sound button will appear.
We hope you enjoy your painting course! If you have any queries please contact us via email.
We’d love to see your creations, feel free to send your paintings in to us to feature on our social media!
Many thanks and happy painting!
Jessie, Discovery Art Class
Project 1
Vintage Water Jug – step by step, practise drawing ellipses and sketching compositions, setting a background, painting techniques for round objects, wood, ceramic, enhancing shadows.
Project 2
Glass Fishing Floats – Vintage fishing floats from Japan, painting beautiful coloured glass, this project covers transparency, colour, shine, lighting, and varied textures with glass and the rope netting.
Project 3
Kathputli Folklore Puppets– originating from traditional street theatre from Rajasthan, India. A colourful fun project with a different approach using a dark ground, sketching with a brush, techniques for painted wood, vibrant coloured silk, patterned fabric and folds.
Project 4
Acrylics colour mixing
An introduction to colour mixing using acrylic paint. Guidance on choosing colours and how to use then effectively. Suitable for beginners or anyone wanting to brush up on their techniques.
Basics of acrylic painting
Knowing where to start can be confusing! This reference video has lots of useful information, explaining and demonstrating acrylic paint from the very beginning. Suitable for beginners or anyone wanting to brush up on their acrylic techniques.
- Pencil – HB ( for sketching)
- Rubber and ruler – any ordinary pencil rubber and ruler
- Acrylic paper
- Acrylic paint
- Acrylic brushes
- Palette knife
- Masking tape
- Water jar
Reference photos of the objects used in the projects. Please feel free to use, or choose an object of your own! Please note these are a study aid for this course only, and should not be used for any other reason.
Click on image in gallery for full size.
To download images:
Mac users: Hold ‘Control’ Key down, Click on Photo. Select ‘Save Image as’…, then ‘Desktop’ – Save.
PC users : Right click image, select ‘save image as’, choose location.